Free State Transformers is an established designer and manufacturer of industry leading, durable NEC/NER/AUX Transformers. These quality products are manufactured to strict ESKOM / |IEC standards.  Our ISO 9001:2015 certification underlines the quality of all our products.
NEC/NER/AUX Transformers!
Neutral Earthing Resistors (NER), Compensators (NEC) and compensators with Auxiliary transformers (NECRT)
Free State Transformers builds Neutral Earthing Resistors (NER), Compensators (NEC) and compensators with Auxiliary transformers (NECRT).
Product Range:
Combined Neutral EarthingCompensator, Neutral Earthing Resistor and  Auxiliary transformers (NECRT) from 3.3kV – 33kV
Neutral Earthing Compensators (NEC) from 3.3kV – 33kV